Vadakara to Mathura Trains

  IRCTC Authorised Partner

1 Trains between Vadakara to Mathura

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Train Departure Arrival Duration & Running Class Price starts
Mathura Junction
Book return tickets for Mathura to Vadakara

Vadakara to Mathura Trains

Distance between Vadakara to Mathura is 2701 Kms. It will take 43:17 hrs to reach from Vadakara to Mathura by train

1 trains run between Bangalore to Hyderabad. Bangalore has 1 stations - you can book train tickets from these stations for Mathura.

For your IRCTC train tickets booked from Vadakara to Mathura, you can check your PNR status on ConfirmTkt

After booking your train tickets from Vadakara to Mathura on ConfirmTkt you can check your Train Running Status and Train Schedule on ConfirmTkt (Powered by ixigo).

FAQ Vadakara to Mathura Trains

Q) How many stations are there in Vadakara which have trains running from Vadakara to Mathura?

A: There are 1 stations - BDJ(Vadakara), from these stations you can book trains from Vadakara to Mathura

Q) Which is the first train from Vadakara to Mathura?

A: 12617 train (MANGLADWEEP EXP) is the first train from Vadakara to Mathura. It departs from BDJ (Vadakara) at 15:18 and reaches Mathura Junction at 10:35. This train has 4 classes 2A 3A 3E SL

Q) Which is the last train from Vadakara to Mathura?

A: 12617 train (MANGLADWEEP EXP) is the last train from Vadakara to Mathura. It departs from BDJ (Vadakara) at 15:18 and reaches Mathura Junction at 10:35. This train has 4 classes 2A 3A 3E SL

Q) What is the duration between Vadakara to Mathura if travelled by train?

A: The train journey between Vadakara to Mathura will take around 43:17 hrs.

Q) What is the distance between Vadakara to Mathura?

A: The total distance between Vadakara to Mathura is 2701 Kms.

Q) How fast I can reach from Vadakara to Mathura?

A: 12617 train (MANGLADWEEP EXP) is the fastest train from Vadakara to Mathura. It takes 43:17 hrs to reach from Vadakara to Mathura.

Q) What are Vadakara to Mathura train timings?

A: 1 trains run from Vadakara to Mathura, please find below their departure times

  1. 12617 train (MANGLADWEEP EXP) - Departs at 15:18 hrs and running days ( Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat )

Q) from Vadakara to Mathura train timings?

A: departs from at and reaches at . It takes hrs to reach .

Q) How do I book Vadakara to Mathura train tickets?

A: You can easily book tickets from Vadakara to Mathura train on ConfirmTkt or ConfirmTkt Train App

  1. Download ConfirmTkt Train App or visit ConfirmTkt IRCTC Booking website
  2. Search Vadakara to Mathura train
  3. Choose a travel date and select your preferred train
  4. Enter passenger details and make payment
  5. After payment, you need to verify your IRCTC credentials
  6. After verifying your IRCTC credentials, your Vadakara to Mathura train tickets will be booked successfully.

For any queries/enquiries regarding Vadakara to Mathura train, you can call or mail our support.

              Phone: 08068243910 

Bonus Tip: You can get a full refund on ConfirmTkt on your Vadakara to Mathura train tickets when you opt ConfirmTkt Free Cancellation options while booking your ticket

Q) How many days in advance can the tickets be booked for Vadakara to Mathura train?

A: Train tickets can be booked 120 days in advance from Vadakara to Mathura.

Q) Can I book Tatkal tickets for Vadakara to Mathura train on ConfirmTkt?

A: You can easily book tatkal tickets for Vadakara to Mathura train on ConfirmTkt Train App or website.

Q) Can I Book Current Availability tickets for Vadakara to Mathura train on ConfirmTkt?

A: Yes, Current Availability tickets can be booked on ConfirmTkt. Current Availability tickets are the available tickets after chart preparation. If you are planning for last moment trips from Vadakara to Mathura by train, do not forget to check the current availability for this route.

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For more information on Vadakara to Mathura train ticket booking. Click IRCTC