Why Book Train Tickets With Confirmtkt?

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Get Confirmed Train Tickets

With our same train alternates and prediction feature, increase your chances of getting confirm train tickets.

IRCTC waitlist tickets prediction and alternative options

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Payment on Confirmtkt is highly secured. Easy UPI and other multiple payment modes available.

Secure train ticket booking

Free Cancellation on Train Tickets

Get a full refund on train tickets by opting our free cancellation feature.

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Train Booking & Enquiry Support

24X7 customer support, for any train enquiry & booking related queries call 08068243910.

Secure train ticket booking

Instant Refund & Cancellation

Get an instant refund and book your next Train ticket easily.

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Live Train Status Tracking

Train status & notification of your train tickets.

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Live Train Status

Live train status of Indian Railways can be easily checked online using Confirmtkt Train running status or Spot your train service.
Train current running status live information that can be tracked are - Train current location, last departed station, delay of train, expected arrival or departure time at a station.

With 23 million passengers travelling daily, calling up Indian railways for train running status would end up in busy dial tones. With ConfirmTkt.com you can easily and quickly check the real-time status of the train and spot your train accurately.

PNR Status

Track Accurate, Real-Time Live Train Running Status with ixigo.

Check Running Status

Train running status with highest accuracy and realtime updates

It is very rightly quoted, “If you spend on travel, you are going to be richer”. Travel fills one with memories, adventure and gives you a whole lot of reasons to be a storyteller. So just travel and travel to sooth my passion to explore new places. And this journey becomes beautiful when it happens on the train.

Oh my god, talking about trains simply fills us with all childlike excitement. Being a 90s child, your memories are full of travel through trains. The remembrance of visiting cousins and relatives is never complete without a long noisy steam engine. The flights were not so affordable then and trains were always lucrative to ride along with all family members. Even day and night journeys passed so quickly in casual plays and songs. The fun on stations and strolling with other passengers was altogether a different level of experience.

During early days, every vacation brought a family trip, which mostly conceptualized on rail tracks. However, sometimes it fetched instances of long waiting hours due to various delays and that bothers people travelling via trains. Nevertheless, scenarios are different in the current age where we have many apps and techniques with live train running status to trace the train. There are no more undesirable jitters, for train arrival. You can easily spot your train and strategize the whole program. The unnecessary waiting on platforms is long forgotten past. Checking online train status is now a common habit before leaving for the railway station.

Contrary to earlier times, travelling on rails is pretty easy now. Of course, booking tickets and reserving seats is so convenient. Trips are more manageable with a handy smartphone, which helps in getting live train status. There are many websites available on the internet that make online train status or train running status check so easy. Even before hopping for the station, you can see the train running status and figure out your move. The uncontrollable panic is much under control with the internet at our disposal.

Elders these days get fascinated by the process of checking live train status that they end up helping friends and people travelling. It’s so accessible with just entering the train number, and all the live details one may need while travelling is displayed. With this option you can be known as spot your train guru in our family.

Travelling is a good lesson for children as well as adults. It builds a bond with nature and strangers too. Moving by train is just so good. Indian railways have immensely improved with clean coaches and well-maintained washrooms. Trains could be easily accepted as most desirable means to travel with live train status to train running status available from the very beginning, and being able to trace easily.

So next time when you plan a trip, just book your train tickets, pack your bag and don't forget to have a live train running status. You never know what excitement is on the way.

To check the PNR STATUS of your train ticket booking, CLICK HERE

Now you can easily book your IRCTC TRAIN TICKET on ConfirmTkt

Top Train Routes

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