IRCTC Authorised Partner

Una to Karnal Trains

2 Trains found between Una to Karnal

Popular Trains from Una to Karnal

04:55 UHL
04h 43m
09:38 KUN
12058 Running Status
21:53 UHL
04h 34m
02:27 KUN
14054 Running Status
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for Una to Karnal

Why Book Una to Karnal trains with ConfirmTkt?

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Trains from Una to Karnal

2 trains run between Una and Karnal. Una has 1 station(s), from which you can easily book train tickets to Karnal. Distance from Una to Karnal is 266 km. It will take approx. 04:34 hours to reach Karnal from Una by train.

If you're planning a trip soon, you can alternatively book UNA TO KARNAL TRAIN TICKETS on ixigo.

Una to Karnal Train Ticket Price

If you are in search of affordable train tickets from Una to Karnal, ConfirmTkt is the best platform. The Una to Karnal train ticket price varies according to travel dates, coach type, and individual preferences. Travellers can find tickets priced between ₹155 and ₹3400, with the lowest Una to Karnal train ticket rate starting at ₹155. Below are the minimum ticket prices for all classes:

Class Minimum Price
1A ₹1175
2A ₹710
3A ₹505
SL ₹185

Daily Trains from Una to Karnal

A total of 2 trains run daily from Una to Karnal. See the details below:

Train Name (No.) Day of Departure Time of Departure Time of Arrival Origin Station Destination Station Total Time of Travel
JANSHATABDI EXP (12058) Daily 04:55 09:38 Una Himachal Karnal 04:43 hrs
HIMACHAL EXP (14054) Daily 21:53 02:27 Una Himachal Karnal 04:34 hrs

First Train from Una to Karnal

The first train from Una to Karnal is JANSHATABDI EXP. It starts from Una at 04:55 and reaches Karnal at 09:38.

Last Train from Una to Karnal

The last train from Una to Karnal is HIMACHAL EXP. It starts from Una at 21:53 and reaches Karnal at 02:27.

Fastest Train from Una to Karnal

The fastest train from Una to Karnal is HIMACHAL EXP. It takes only 04:34 hours to cover 266 km.

Cheapest Train from Una to Karnal

The cheapest train from Una to Karnal is JANSHATABDI EXP (12058). The lowest price for Una to Karnal train ticket is ₹155.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the train timings from Una to Karnal?

2 trains run between Una and Karnal. Please find below the details of Una to Karnal train timetable:
  1. 12058 JANSHATABDI EXP departs Una at 04:55 and reaches Karnal at 09:38 Running days: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  2. 14054 HIMACHAL EXP departs Una at 21:53 and reaches Karnal at 02:27 Running days: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

How do I book Una to Karnal train tickets?

Booking Una to Karnal train tickets is easy with ConfirmTkt. Follow these steps:
  1. Download ConfirmTkt Train App or visit ConfirmTkt IRCTC Booking website
  2. Search for Una to Karnal trains
  3. Choose your travel date and select your preferred train
  4. Enter passenger details and make the payment
  5. After payment, verify your IRCTC credentials
  6. Once your IRCTC credentials are verified, your Una to Karnal train booking will be completed successfully.

For any queries/enquiries regarding Una to Karnal train bookings, you can contact our support team:


Phone: 08068243910

Bonus Tip: Opt for the ConfirmTkt Free Cancellation feature while booking your ticket to get a full refund on your Una to Karnal train tickets.

How many days in advance can I book tickets for the Una to Karnal train?

You can book train tickets for the Una to Karnal route up to 60 days in advance.

Can I book tatkal tickets for Una to Karnal train on ConfirmTkt?

You can easily book tatkal tickets for Una to Karnal train on ConfirmTkt Train App or website.

Which documents are required for online railway reservation from Una to Karnal?

When booking a railway ticket online, you do not need any special travel documents; simply fill in the required details. However, during your train journey, you must carry valid ID proof such as Aadhaar, Voter ID, Driving License, PAN Card, Passport, etc.

Can I book current availability tickets for Una to Karnal train on ConfirmTkt?

Yes, you can book Current Availability tickets on ConfirmTkt. Current availability tickets are those available after the chart preparation. If you are planning for last moment trips from Una to Karnal by train, be sure to check the current availability for this route.