7498 Train Route

7498 - NED PVR SPL
Nandyal to Kurnool Town
Running Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
S. No Station Name & Code Arrives Departs Halt Time Distance Avg. Delay Day
1 H SAHIB NANDED - NED Source 15:00 0 0 km - 1
2 PURNA JN - PAU 15:40 15:42 02:00 31 km - 1
3 PARBHANI JN - PBN 16:05 16:07 02:00 59 km - 1
4 GANGAKHER - GNH 16:30 16:32 02:00 94 km - 1
5 PARLI VAIJNATH - PRLI 18:55 19:15 20:00 123 km - 1
6 PANGAON - PNF 19:50 19:52 02:00 159 km - 1
7 LATUR ROAD JN - LTRR 20:18 20:20 02:00 186 km - 1
8 UDGIR - UDGR 20:50 20:52 02:00 219 km - 1
9 BHALKI - BHLK 21:32 21:34 02:00 262 km - 1
10 BIDAR - BIDR 22:05 22:07 02:00 300 km - 1
11 ZAHIRABAD - ZB 22:37 22:39 02:00 331 km - 1
12 VIKARABAD JN - VKB 23:30 23:50 20:00 391 km - 1
13 TANDUR - TDU 00:18 00:20 02:00 432 km - 2
14 SERAM - SEM 00:50 00:52 02:00 465 km - 2
15 CHITTAPUR - CT 01:25 01:27 02:00 487 km - 2
16 WADI - WADI 03:50 03:55 05:00 503 km - 2
17 KALABURAGI - KLBG 04:25 04:28 03:00 539 km - 2
18 GANAGAPUR ROAD - GUR 04:58 05:00 02:00 566 km - 2
19 AKALKOT ROAD - AKOR 05:45 05:47 02:00 617 km - 2
20 SOLAPUR JN - SUR 07:00 07:05 05:00 652 km - 2
21 KURDUVADI - KWV 09:10 09:15 05:00 731 km - 2
22 PANDHARPUR - PVR 10:35 Destination 0 783 km - 2
Ned Pvr Spl
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7498 NED PVR SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings

Train 7498 NED PVR SPL runs from Nandyal(NDL) to Kurnool Town(KRNT) on Saturday. Train departs from Nandyal(NDL) at 15:00 and reaches Kurnool Town(KRNT) at 10:35. It takes 2 days to reach train 7498 from Nandyal(NDL) to Kurnool Town(KRNT) .

NED PVR SPL 7498 train passes through 22 major stations in 2 days to reach from Nandyal to Kurnool Town . It takes total of 19:35 hours journey to reach Kurnool Town .

In 7498 train route maximum halt time for this train is 20:00 minutes at PARLI VAIJNATH(PRLI). Train 7498 arrives at PARLI VAIJNATH at 18:55 and departs at 19:15. So if you want to get down from the train and buy anything from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.

Related trains for Train 7498 NED PVR SPL


From which station train 7498 NED PVR SPL starts from?

7498 NED PVR SPL starts from Nandyal(NDL)

How many days in a week 7498 NED PVR SPL runs ?

7498 NED PVR SPL runs on Saturday,

What is the maximum halt time of 7498 NED PVR SPL and at which station?

Maximum halt time of 7498 NED PVR SPL train is 20:00 minutes at PARLI VAIJNATH(PRLI)

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