5762 Train Route
S. No | Station Name & Code | Arrives | Departs | Halt Time | Distance | Avg. Delay | Day |
1 | KATIHAR JN - KIR | Source | 22:30 | 0 | 0 km | - | 1 |
2 | HARISCHANDRPUR - HCR | 23:25 | 23:27 | 02:00 | 36 km | - | 1 |
3 | SAMSI - SM | 00:05 | 00:07 | 02:00 | 57 km | - | 2 |
4 | MALDA TOWN - MLDT | 00:55 | 01:05 | 10:00 | 91 km | - | 2 |
5 | NEW FARAKKA JN - NFK | 01:38 | 01:40 | 02:00 | 126 km | - | 2 |
6 | PAKUR - PKR | 02:25 | 02:27 | 02:00 | 159 km | - | 2 |
7 | RAMPUR HAT - RPH | 03:14 | 03:16 | 02:00 | 212 km | - | 2 |
8 | SAINTHIA - SNT | 03:46 | 03:48 | 02:00 | 240 km | - | 2 |
9 | SIURI - SURI | 04:06 | 04:08 | 02:00 | 260 km | - | 2 |
10 | ANDAL JN - UDL | 06:33 | 06:35 | 02:00 | 314 km | - | 2 |
11 | DURGAPUR - DGR | 07:05 | 07:30 | 25:00 | 330 km | - | 2 |
12 | ASANSOL JN - ASN | 08:25 | 08:35 | 10:00 | 372 km | - | 2 |
13 | DHANBAD JN - DHN | 10:00 | 10:05 | 05:00 | 431 km | - | 2 |
14 | CHANDRAPURA JN - CRP | 11:05 | 11:07 | 02:00 | 465 km | - | 2 |
15 | BOKARO STL CITY - BKSC | 11:50 | 11:52 | 02:00 | 480 km | - | 2 |
16 | MURI - MURI | 12:55 | 12:57 | 02:00 | 533 km | - | 2 |
17 | RANCHI - RNC | 14:25 | Destination | 0 | 595 km | - | 2 |
5762 KIR RNC SPECIAL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings
Train 5762 KIR RNC SPECIAL runs from Katihar Junction(KIR) to Ranchi Junction(RNC) on Thursday. Train departs from Katihar Junction(KIR) at 22:30 and reaches Ranchi Junction(RNC) at 14:25. It takes 2 days to reach train 5762 from Katihar Junction(KIR) to Ranchi Junction(RNC) .
KIR RNC SPECIAL 5762 train passes through 17 major stations in 2 days to reach from Katihar Junction to Ranchi Junction . It takes total of 15:55 hours journey to reach Ranchi Junction .
In 5762 train route maximum halt time for this train is 25:00 minutes at
DURGAPUR(DGR). Train 5762 arrives at DURGAPUR
at 07:05 and departs at
07:30. So if you want to get down from the train and buy
from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.
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