5119 Train Route

5119 - CPR LKU SPL
Paramakkudi to Banaras
Running Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
S. No Station Name & Code Arrives Departs Halt Time Distance Avg. Delay Day
1 CHHAPRA - CPR Source 10:00 0 0 km - 1
2 MARHAURA - MEW 10:40 10:42 02:00 27 km - 1
3 MASRAKH - MHC 11:00 11:02 02:00 42 km - 1
4 DIGHWA DUBAULI - DWDI 11:25 11:27 02:00 63 km - 1
5 RATAN SARAI - RTU 11:45 11:47 02:00 84 km - 1
6 THAWE JN - THE 12:05 12:25 20:00 106 km - 1
7 TAMKUHI ROAD - TOI 13:25 13:27 02:00 142 km - 1
8 PADRAUNA - POU 14:03 14:05 02:00 174 km - 1
9 KAPTANGANJ JN - CPJ 15:00 15:03 03:00 205 km - 1
10 GORAKHPUR JN - GKP 16:00 16:10 10:00 244 km - 1
11 BASTI - BST 17:10 17:13 03:00 308 km - 1
12 GONDA JN - GD 18:35 18:37 02:00 398 km - 1
13 BURHWAL - BUW 19:25 19:28 03:00 459 km - 1
14 BARABANKI JN - BBK 20:10 20:12 02:00 486 km - 1
15 LUCKNOW NR - LKO 21:00 21:10 10:00 515 km - 1
16 BAREILLY - BE 01:30 01:33 03:00 750 km - 2
17 BAREILLY CITY - BC 01:50 01:55 05:00 752 km - 2
18 IZZATNAGAR - IZN 02:10 02:15 05:00 757 km - 2
19 BHOJIPURA JN - BPR 02:40 02:42 02:00 769 km - 2
20 BAHERI - BHI 03:15 03:17 02:00 801 km - 2
21 KICHHA - KHH 03:50 03:52 02:00 816 km - 2
22 PANTNAGAR - PBW 04:30 04:32 02:00 827 km - 2
23 LAL KUAN - LKU 05:10 Destination 0 834 km - 2
Cpr Lku Spl
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5119 CPR LKU SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings

Train 5119 CPR LKU SPL runs from Paramakkudi(PMK) to Banaras(BSBS) on Saturday. Train departs from Paramakkudi(PMK) at 10:00 and reaches Banaras(BSBS) at 05:10. It takes 2 days to reach train 5119 from Paramakkudi(PMK) to Banaras(BSBS) .

CPR LKU SPL 5119 train passes through 23 major stations in 2 days to reach from Paramakkudi to Banaras . It takes total of 19:10 hours journey to reach Banaras .

In 5119 train route maximum halt time for this train is 20:00 minutes at THAWE JN(THE). Train 5119 arrives at THAWE JN at 12:05 and departs at 12:25. So if you want to get down from the train and buy anything from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.

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From which station train 5119 CPR LKU SPL starts from?

5119 CPR LKU SPL starts from Paramakkudi(PMK)

How many days in a week 5119 CPR LKU SPL runs ?

5119 CPR LKU SPL runs on Saturday,

What is the maximum halt time of 5119 CPR LKU SPL and at which station?

Maximum halt time of 5119 CPR LKU SPL train is 20:00 minutes at THAWE JN(THE)

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