1307 Train Route

1307 - SUR GHY SPL
Chalisgaon Junction to Dhule
Running Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
S. No Station Name & Code Arrives Departs Halt Time Distance Avg. Delay Day
1 SOLAPUR JN - SUR Source 17:30 0 0 km - 1
2 DAUND JN - DD 20:20 20:25 05:00 188 km - 1
3 PUNE JN - PUNE 21:15 21:25 10:00 264 km - 1
4 PANVEL - PNVL 23:45 23:55 10:00 384 km - 1
5 KALYAN JN - KYN 00:55 01:00 05:00 420 km - 2
6 NASHIK ROAD - NK 03:23 03:25 02:00 554 km - 2
7 BHUSAVAL JN - BSL 07:50 07:55 05:00 811 km - 2
8 ITARSI JN - ET 12:45 12:50 05:00 1118 km - 2
9 JABALPUR - JBP 16:20 16:30 10:00 1363 km - 2
10 KATNI - KTE 17:50 17:55 05:00 1454 km - 2
11 SATNA - STA 19:55 20:00 05:00 1552 km - 2
12 PRAYAGRAJCHEOKI - PCOI 22:55 23:00 05:00 1722 km - 2
13 DD UPADHYAYA JN - DDU 01:55 02:05 10:00 1865 km - 3
14 BUXAR - BXR 03:10 03:12 02:00 1959 km - 3
15 PATLIPUTRA - PPTA 05:35 05:45 10:00 2073 km - 3
16 BARAUNI JN - BJU 08:05 08:15 10:00 2182 km - 3
17 KATIHAR JN - KIR 11:55 12:05 10:00 2361 km - 3
18 KISHANGANJ - KNE 13:25 13:30 05:00 2457 km - 3
19 NEW JALPAIGURI - NJP 15:20 15:45 25:00 2544 km - 3
20 NEW COOCH BEHAR - NCB 18:05 18:10 05:00 2671 km - 3
21 NEW BONGAIGAON - NBQ 20:40 20:45 05:00 2796 km - 3
22 RANGIYA JN - RNY 22:25 22:30 05:00 2905 km - 3
23 GUWAHATI - GHY 00:30 Destination 0 2953 km - 4
Sur Ghy Spl
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1307 SUR GHY SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings

Train 1307 SUR GHY SPL runs from Chalisgaon Junction(CSN) to Dhule(DHI) on Friday. Train departs from Chalisgaon Junction(CSN) at 17:30 and reaches Dhule(DHI) at 00:30. It takes 4 days to reach train 1307 from Chalisgaon Junction(CSN) to Dhule(DHI) .

SUR GHY SPL 1307 train passes through 23 major stations in 4 days to reach from Chalisgaon Junction to Dhule . It takes total of 55:0 hours journey to reach Dhule .

In 1307 train route maximum halt time for this train is 25:00 minutes at NEW JALPAIGURI(NJP). Train 1307 arrives at NEW JALPAIGURI at 15:20 and departs at 15:45. So if you want to get down from the train and buy anything from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.

Related trains for Train 1307 SUR GHY SPL


From which station train 1307 SUR GHY SPL starts from?

1307 SUR GHY SPL starts from Chalisgaon Junction(CSN)

How many days in a week 1307 SUR GHY SPL runs ?

1307 SUR GHY SPL runs on Friday,

What is the maximum halt time of 1307 SUR GHY SPL and at which station?

Maximum halt time of 1307 SUR GHY SPL train is 25:00 minutes at NEW JALPAIGURI(NJP)

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