09189 Train Route

Running Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
S. No Station Name & Code Arrives Departs Halt Time Distance Avg. Delay Day
1 MUMBAI CENTRAL - MMCT Source 10:30 0 0 km - 1
2 BORIVALI - BVI 10:59 11:01 02:00 30 km - 1
3 VAPI - VAPI 12:53 12:56 03:00 170 km - 1
4 SURAT - ST 14:31 14:36 05:00 263 km - 1
5 BHARUCH JN - BH 15:19 15:21 02:00 322 km - 1
6 VADODARA JN - BRC 16:21 16:31 10:00 392 km - 1
7 RATLAM JN - RTM 20:10 20:20 10:00 653 km - 1
8 UJJAIN JN - UJN 22:48 22:50 02:00 750 km - 1
9 S HIRDARAMNAGAR - SHRN 03:00 03:05 05:00 923 km - 2
10 VIDISHA - BHS 04:08 04:10 02:00 985 km - 2
11 BINA JN - BINA 05:53 05:55 02:00 1070 km - 2
12 V LAKSHMIBAIJHS - VGLJ 08:05 08:15 10:00 1222 km - 2
13 KANPUR CENTRAL - CNB 12:00 12:05 05:00 1443 km - 2
14 LUCKNOW NR - LKO 13:45 13:55 10:00 1517 km - 2
15 GONDA JN - GD 16:25 16:30 05:00 1634 km - 2
16 MANKAPUR JN - MUR 17:10 17:12 02:00 1662 km - 2
17 BASTI - BST 18:00 18:05 05:00 1723 km - 2
18 KHALILABAD - KLD 18:53 18:55 02:00 1753 km - 2
19 GORAKHPUR JN - GKP 19:45 20:00 15:00 1788 km - 2
20 DEORIA SADAR - DEOS 21:00 21:05 05:00 1837 km - 2
21 SIWAN JN - SV 22:15 22:20 05:00 1907 km - 2
22 CHHAPRA - CPR 23:40 23:50 10:00 1967 km - 2
23 HAJIPUR JN - HJP 00:40 00:45 05:00 2027 km - 3
24 BARAUNI JN - BJU 02:20 02:30 10:00 2115 km - 3
25 BEGU SARAI - BGS 03:05 03:07 02:00 2130 km - 3
26 KHAGARIA JN - KGG 03:55 03:57 02:00 2170 km - 3
27 NAUGACHIA - NNA 05:28 05:30 02:00 2237 km - 3
28 KATIHAR JN - KIR 07:30 Destination 0 2294 km - 3
Mmct Kir Special
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09189 MMCT KIR SPECIAL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings

Train 09189 MMCT KIR SPECIAL runs from MUMBAI CENTRAL(MMCT) to KATIHAR JN(KIR) on Saturday. Train departs from MUMBAI CENTRAL(MMCT) at 10:30 and reaches KATIHAR JN(KIR) at 07:30. It takes 3 days to reach train 09189 from MUMBAI CENTRAL(MMCT) to KATIHAR JN(KIR) .

MMCT KIR SPECIAL 09189 train passes through 28 major stations in 3 days to reach from MUMBAI CENTRAL to KATIHAR JN . It takes total of 45:0 hours journey to reach KATIHAR JN .

In 09189 train route maximum halt time for this train is 15:00 minutes at GORAKHPUR JN(GKP). Train 09189 arrives at GORAKHPUR JN at 19:45 and departs at 20:00. So if you want to get down from the train and buy anything from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.

Related trains for Train 09189 MMCT KIR SPECIAL

  • A (A)

    Train starts from A (A) , A to A (A) , A. Total duration is A.

    This trains runs on:
    Moday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


From which station train 09189 MMCT KIR SPECIAL starts from?


How many days in a week 09189 MMCT KIR SPECIAL runs ?

09189 MMCT KIR SPECIAL runs on Saturday,

What is the maximum halt time of 09189 MMCT KIR SPECIAL and at which station?

Maximum halt time of 09189 MMCT KIR SPECIAL train is 15:00 minutes at GORAKHPUR JN(GKP)

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