07650 Train Route

Running Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
S. No Station Name & Code Arrives Departs Halt Time Distance Avg. Delay Day
1 MUZAFFARPUR JN - MFP Source 04:50 0 0 km - 1
2 HAJIPUR JN - HJP 06:00 06:05 05:00 54 km - 1
3 SONPUR JN - SEE 06:15 06:17 02:00 60 km - 1
4 PATLIPUTRA - PPTA 07:05 07:15 10:00 75 km - 1
5 DANAPUR - DNR 07:35 07:37 02:00 81 km - 1
6 ARA JN - ARA 08:05 08:07 02:00 120 km - 1
7 BUXAR - BXR 09:30 09:32 02:00 189 km - 1
8 DD UPADHYAYA JN - DDU 11:30 11:40 10:00 283 km - 1
9 PRAYAGRAJCHEOKI - PCOI 14:00 14:02 02:00 427 km - 1
10 SATNA - STA 17:55 17:57 02:00 596 km - 1
11 KATNI - KTE 19:30 19:32 02:00 694 km - 1
12 JABALPUR - JBP 20:55 21:05 10:00 785 km - 1
13 ITARSI JN - ET 01:05 01:15 10:00 1030 km - 2
14 NAGPUR - NGP 05:30 05:40 10:00 1327 km - 2
15 BALHARSHAH - BPQ 09:10 09:20 10:00 1539 km - 2
16 SIRPUR KAGAZNGR - SKZR 10:30 10:32 02:00 1608 km - 2
17 MANCHIRYAL - MCI 11:30 11:32 02:00 1666 km - 2
18 RAMAGUNDAM - RDM 11:45 11:47 02:00 1680 km - 2
19 PEDDAPALLI JN - PDPL 12:02 12:03 01:00 1698 km - 2
20 KAZIPET JN - KZJ 13:20 13:25 05:00 1773 km - 2
21 JANGAON - ZN 14:09 14:10 01:00 1821 km - 2
22 CHARLAPALLI - CHZ 15:15 15:17 02:00 1892 km - 2
23 MAULA ALI - MLY 15:30 15:32 02:00 1899 km - 2
24 SECUNDERABAD JN - SC 16:00 16:05 05:00 1905 km - 2
25 LINGAMPALLI - LPI 19:00 Destination 0 1927 km - 2
Mfp Lpi Fes Spl
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07650 MFP LPI FES SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings

Train 07650 MFP LPI FES SPL runs from MUZAFFARPUR JN(MFP) to LINGAMPALLI(LPI) on Wednesday. Train departs from MUZAFFARPUR JN(MFP) at 04:50 and reaches LINGAMPALLI(LPI) at 19:00. It takes 2 days to reach train 07650 from MUZAFFARPUR JN(MFP) to LINGAMPALLI(LPI) .

MFP LPI FES SPL 07650 train passes through 25 major stations in 2 days to reach from MUZAFFARPUR JN to LINGAMPALLI . It takes total of 38:10 hours journey to reach LINGAMPALLI .

In 07650 train route maximum halt time for this train is 10:00 minutes at PATLIPUTRA(PPTA). Train 07650 arrives at PATLIPUTRA at 07:05 and departs at 07:15. So if you want to get down from the train and buy anything from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.

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    Moday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


From which station train 07650 MFP LPI FES SPL starts from?


How many days in a week 07650 MFP LPI FES SPL runs ?

07650 MFP LPI FES SPL runs on Wednesday,

What is the maximum halt time of 07650 MFP LPI FES SPL and at which station?

Maximum halt time of 07650 MFP LPI FES SPL train is 10:00 minutes at PATLIPUTRA(PPTA)

MFP LPI FES SPL train(7650) covers a total distance of 1927 Km travelling from MUZAFFARPUR JN(MFP) to LINGAMPALLI(LPI)

MFP LPI FES SPL train(7650) halts at a total of 25 halts while covering the total distance from MUZAFFARPUR JN(MFP) to LINGAMPALLI(LPI) in 2 days

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