07432 Train Route

07432 - BAM NED SPL
Brahmapur to Huzur Sahib Nanded
Running Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
S. No Station Name & Code Arrives Departs Halt Time Distance Avg. Delay Day
1 BRAHMAPUR - BAM Start 16:45 0 0 km - 1
2 ICHCHPURAM - IPM 17:06 17:08 02:00 25 km - 1
3 SOMPETA - SPT 17:18 17:20 02:00 43 km - 1
4 PALASA - PSA 18:20 18:25 05:00 74 km - 1
5 NAUPADA JN - NWP 18:46 18:48 02:00 100 km - 1
6 SRIKAKULAM ROAD - CHE 19:18 19:20 02:00 147 km - 1
7 CHIPURUPALLE - CPP 19:50 19:52 02:00 186 km - 1
8 VIZIANAGRAM JN - VZM 20:25 20:35 10:00 217 km - 1
9 KOTTAVALASA - KTV 21:00 21:02 02:00 251 km - 1
10 PENDURTI - PDT 21:08 21:10 02:00 260 km - 1
11 DUVVADA - DVD 21:40 21:42 02:00 281 km - 1
12 ANAKAPALLE - AKP 22:00 22:02 02:00 297 km - 1
13 ELLAMANCHILI - YLM 22:35 22:36 01:00 321 km - 1
14 ANNAVARAM - ANV 23:02 23:04 02:00 377 km - 1
15 SAMALKOT JN - SLO 23:30 23:32 02:00 414 km - 1
16 RAJAHMUNDRY - RJY 00:35 00:37 02:00 464 km - 2
17 TADEPALLIGUDEM - TDD 01:18 01:20 02:00 507 km - 2
18 ELURU - EE 02:00 02:02 02:00 554 km - 2
19 RAYANAPADU - RYP 03:10 03:15 05:00 622 km - 2
20 KHAMMAM - KMT 05:05 05:07 02:00 711 km - 2
21 MAHBUBABAD - MABD 05:58 06:00 02:00 758 km - 2
22 WARANGAL - WL 06:52 06:54 02:00 818 km - 2
23 KAZIPET JN - KZJ 07:10 07:12 02:00 828 km - 2
24 SECUNDERABAD JN - SC 09:15 09:35 20:00 960 km - 2
25 MEDCHAL - MED 10:34 10:36 02:00 988 km - 2
26 KAMAREDDI - KMC 11:25 11:27 02:00 1069 km - 2
27 NIZAMABAD JN - NZB 12:30 12:32 02:00 1120 km - 2
28 BASAR - BSX 13:00 13:02 02:00 1150 km - 2
29 DHARMABAD - DAB 13:12 13:13 01:00 1160 km - 2
30 MUDKHED - MUE 14:25 14:27 02:00 1209 km - 2
31 H SAHIB NANDED - NED 15:45 End 0 1231 km - 2
Bam Ned Spl
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07432 BAM NED SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings

Train 07432 BAM NED SPL runs from Brahmapur(BAM) to Huzur Sahib Nanded(NED) on Sunday. Train departs from Brahmapur(BAM) at 16:45 and reaches Huzur Sahib Nanded(NED) at 15:45. It takes 2 days to reach train 07432 from Brahmapur(BAM) to Huzur Sahib Nanded(NED) .

BAM NED SPL 07432 train passes through 31 major stations in 2 days to reach from Brahmapur to Huzur Sahib Nanded . It takes total of 23:0 hours journey to reach Huzur Sahib Nanded .

In 07432 train route maximum halt time for this train is 20:00 minutes at SECUNDERABAD JN(SC). Train 07432 arrives at SECUNDERABAD JN at 09:15 and departs at 09:35. So if you want to get down from the train and buy anything from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.

Related trains for Train 07432 BAM NED SPL

  • BAM VSKP EXP (18525)

    Train starts from Brahmapur (BAM) , Brahmapur to Visakhapatnam Junction (VSKP) , Visakhapatnam. Total duration is 4 Hours and 50 Minutes.

    This trains runs on:
    Moday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


From which station train 07432 BAM NED SPL starts from?

07432 BAM NED SPL starts from Brahmapur(BAM)

How many days in a week 07432 BAM NED SPL runs ?

07432 BAM NED SPL runs on Sunday,

What is the maximum halt time of 07432 BAM NED SPL and at which station?

Maximum halt time of 07432 BAM NED SPL train is 20:00 minutes at SECUNDERABAD JN(SC)

BAM NED SPL train(7432) covers a total distance of 1231 Km travelling from BRAHMAPUR(BAM) to H SAHIB NANDED(NED)

BAM NED SPL train(7432) halts at a total of 31 halts while covering the total distance from BRAHMAPUR(BAM) to H SAHIB NANDED(NED) in 2 days

Major stations that BAM NED SPL train(7432) halts at are Kottavalasa(KTV), Rajamundry(RJY), Warangal(WL), Nizamabad(NZB).

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