07064 Train Route
S. No | Station Name & Code | Arrives | Departs | Halt Time | Distance | Avg. Delay | Day |
1 | TIRUPATI - TPTY | Source | 14:49 | 0 | 0 km | - | 1 |
2 | RENIGUNTA JN - RU | 15:15 | 15:17 | 02:00 | 10 km | - | 1 |
3 | RAZAMPETA - RJP | 16:05 | 16:07 | 02:00 | 85 km | - | 1 |
4 | CUDDAPAH JN - HX | 17:00 | 17:02 | 02:00 | 135 km | - | 1 |
5 | YERRAGUNTLA JN - YA | 17:38 | 17:40 | 02:00 | 174 km | - | 1 |
6 | GOOTY - GY | 19:33 | 19:35 | 02:00 | 292 km | - | 1 |
7 | DHONE - DHNE | 20:55 | 21:00 | 05:00 | 347 km | - | 1 |
8 | KURNOOL CITY - KRNT | 21:45 | 21:47 | 02:00 | 400 km | - | 1 |
9 | GADWAL JN - GWD | 22:39 | 22:40 | 01:00 | 456 km | - | 1 |
10 | WANPARTI ROAD - WPR | 23:00 | 23:01 | 01:00 | 477 km | - | 1 |
11 | MAHBUBNAGAR - MBNR | 00:30 | 00:32 | 02:00 | 531 km | - | 2 |
12 | JADCHERLA - JCL | 00:49 | 00:50 | 01:00 | 548 km | - | 2 |
13 | SHADNAGAR - SHNR | 01:24 | 01:25 | 01:00 | 585 km | - | 2 |
14 | UMDANAGAR - UR | 01:54 | 01:55 | 01:00 | 616 km | - | 2 |
15 | KACHEGUDA - KCG | 03:45 | Destination | 0 | 636 km | - | 2 |
07064 TPTY KCG SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings
Train 07064 TPTY KCG SPL runs from Secunderabad Junction(SC) to Manmad Junction(MMR) on Wednesday. Train departs from Secunderabad Junction(SC) at 14:49 and reaches Manmad Junction(MMR) at 03:45. It takes 2 days to reach train 07064 from Secunderabad Junction(SC) to Manmad Junction(MMR) .
TPTY KCG SPL 07064 train passes through 15 major stations in 2 days to reach from Secunderabad Junction to Manmad Junction . It takes total of 12:56 hours journey to reach Manmad Junction .
In 07064 train route maximum halt time for this train is 05:00 minutes at
DHONE(DHNE). Train 07064 arrives at DHONE
at 20:55 and departs at
21:00. So if you want to get down from the train and buy
from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.
TPTY KCG SPL train(7064) covers a total distance of 636 Km travelling from TIRUPATI(TPTY) to KACHEGUDA(KCG)
TPTY KCG SPL train(7064) halts at a total of 15 halts while covering the total distance from TIRUPATI(TPTY) to KACHEGUDA(KCG) in 2 days
Major stations that TPTY KCG SPL train(7064) halts at are Secunderabad Jn(SC), Bolarum(BMO), Medchal(MED), Wadiaram(WDR), Kamareddi(KMC), Nizamabad(NZB), Basar(BSX), Dharmabad(DAB), Umri(UMRI), Mudkhed Jn(MUE), H Sahib Nanded(NED), Purna Jn(PAU), Parbhani Jn(PBN), Jalna(J), Aurangabad(AWB), Lasur(LSR), Rotegaon(RGO), Nagarsol(NSL), Manmad Jn(MMR).
Other stations in destination city are Hyderabad Begampet(BMT)
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