06254 Train Route
S. No | Station Name & Code | Arrives | Departs | Halt Time | Distance | Avg. Delay | Day |
0 | SHALIMAR - SHM | Source | 07:15 | 0 | 0 km | - | 1 |
0 | KHARAGPUR JN - KGP | 09:00 | 09:10 | 10:00 | 114 km | - | 1 |
0 | BHADRAKH - BHC | 12:10 | 12:15 | 5:00 | 293 km | - | 1 |
0 | CUTTACK - CTC | 13:58 | 14:00 | 2:00 | 409 km | - | 1 |
0 | BHUBANESWAR - BBS | 14:40 | 14:45 | 5:00 | 436 km | - | 1 |
0 | KHURDA ROAD JN - KUR | 15:10 | 15:20 | 10:00 | 455 km | - | 1 |
0 | BRAHMAPUR - BAM | 17:10 | 17:15 | 5:00 | 602 km | - | 1 |
0 | VIZIANAGRAM JN - VZM | 20:40 | 20:50 | 10:00 | 818 km | - | 1 |
0 | RAJAMUNDRY - RJY | 01:10 | 01:20 | 10:00 | 1066 km | - | 2 |
0 | VIJAYAWADA JN - BZA | 03:50 | 04:00 | 10:00 | 1215 km | - | 2 |
0 | GUDUR JN - GDR | 09:20 | 09:22 | 2:00 | 1508 km | - | 2 |
0 | RENIGUNTA JN - RU | 10:40 | 10:50 | 10:00 | 1591 km | - | 2 |
0 | KATPADI JN - KPD | 12:50 | 13:00 | 10:00 | 1715 km | - | 2 |
0 | JOLARPETTAI - JTJ | 14:40 | 14:45 | 5:00 | 1798 km | - | 2 |
0 | BANGARAPET - BWT | 15:40 | 15:42 | 2:00 | 1868 km | - | 2 |
0 | KRISHNARAJAPURM - KJM | 16:24 | 16:25 | 1:00 | 1924 km | - | 2 |
0 | SMVT BENGALURU - SMVB | 17:15 | Destination | 0 | 1932 km | - | 2 |
06254 SHM-SMVB EXP SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings
Train 06254 SHM-SMVB EXP SPL runs from SHALIMAR(SHM) to SMVT BENGALURU(SMVB) on Saturday. Train departs from SHALIMAR(SHM) at 07:15 and reaches SMVT BENGALURU(SMVB) at 17:15. It takes 2 days to reach train 06254 from SHALIMAR(SHM) to SMVT BENGALURU(SMVB) .
SHM-SMVB EXP SPL 06254 train passes through 17 major stations in 2 days to reach from SHALIMAR to SMVT BENGALURU . It takes total of 34:0 hours journey to reach SMVT BENGALURU .
In 06254 train route maximum halt time for this train is 5:00 minutes at
BHADRAKH(BHC). Train 06254 arrives at BHADRAKH
at 12:10 and departs at
12:15. So if you want to get down from the train and buy
from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.
Other stations which have more than 5
halt time are
SHM-SMVB EXP SPL train(0) covers a total distance of 1932 Km travelling from SHALIMAR(SHM) to SMVT BENGALURU(SMVB)
SHM-SMVB EXP SPL train(0) halts at a total of 17 halts while covering the total distance from SHALIMAR(SHM) to SMVT BENGALURU(SMVB) in 2 days
Other stations in destination city are Bangalore East(BNCE)
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