01929 Train Route

01929 - GWL PURI F SPL
Running Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
S. No Station Name & Code Arrives Departs Halt Time Distance Avg. Delay Day
1 GWALIOR - GWL Source 13:00 0 0 km - 1
2 MALANPUR - MLAR 13:22 13:24 02:00 26 km - 1
3 SONI - SONI 13:48 13:50 02:00 59 km - 1
4 BHIND - BIX 14:30 14:32 02:00 82 km - 1
5 ETAWAH JN - ETW 15:48 15:50 02:00 119 km - 1
6 KANPUR CENTRAL - CNB 17:10 17:15 05:00 258 km - 1
7 FATEHPUR - FTP 18:30 18:32 02:00 336 km - 1
8 PRAYAGRAJ JN. - PRYJ 20:00 20:10 10:00 453 km - 1
9 MIRZAPUR - MZP 22:10 22:15 05:00 543 km - 1
10 DD UPADHYAYA JN - DDU 00:10 00:15 05:00 605 km - 2
11 GAYA JN - GAYA 02:50 02:55 05:00 808 km - 2
12 KODERMA JN - KQR 04:10 04:12 02:00 885 km - 2
13 PARASNATH - PNME 05:15 05:17 02:00 960 km - 2
14 NSC BOSE J GOMO - GMO 06:00 06:05 05:00 978 km - 2
15 ADRA JN - ADRA 09:05 09:10 05:00 1051 km - 2
16 BANKURA - BQA 10:00 10:02 02:00 1104 km - 2
17 BISHNUPUR - VSU 10:28 10:30 02:00 1134 km - 2
18 MIDNAPORE - MDN 11:45 11:47 02:00 1206 km - 2
19 HIJLI - HIJ 12:25 12:35 10:00 1225 km - 2
20 BALESHWAR - BLS 14:53 14:55 02:00 1337 km - 2
21 BHADRAK - BHC 15:56 15:58 02:00 1399 km - 2
22 JAJPUR K ROAD - JJKR 16:30 16:32 02:00 1443 km - 2
23 CUTTACK - CTC 17:25 17:30 05:00 1515 km - 2
24 BHUBANESWAR - BBS 18:10 18:15 05:00 1542 km - 2
25 KHURDA ROAD JN - KUR 18:45 18:55 10:00 1561 km - 2
26 PURI - PURI 20:15 Destination 0 1605 km - 2
Gwl Puri F Spl
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01929 GWL PURI F SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings

Train 01929 GWL PURI F SPL runs from GWALIOR(GWL) to PURI(PURI) on Friday. Train departs from GWALIOR(GWL) at 13:00 and reaches PURI(PURI) at 20:15. It takes 2 days to reach train 01929 from GWALIOR(GWL) to PURI(PURI) .

GWL PURI F SPL 01929 train passes through 26 major stations in 2 days to reach from GWALIOR to PURI . It takes total of 31:15 hours journey to reach PURI .

In 01929 train route maximum halt time for this train is 10:00 minutes at PRAYAGRAJ JN.(PRYJ). Train 01929 arrives at PRAYAGRAJ JN. at 20:00 and departs at 20:10. So if you want to get down from the train and buy anything from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.

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    Moday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


From which station train 01929 GWL PURI F SPL starts from?

01929 GWL PURI F SPL starts from GWALIOR(GWL)

How many days in a week 01929 GWL PURI F SPL runs ?

01929 GWL PURI F SPL runs on Friday,

What is the maximum halt time of 01929 GWL PURI F SPL and at which station?

Maximum halt time of 01929 GWL PURI F SPL train is 10:00 minutes at PRAYAGRAJ JN.(PRYJ)

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