2181 Train Route

Running Days : Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
S. No Station Name & Code Arrives Departs Halt Time Distance Avg. Delay Day
Rewa Udz Spl
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2181 REWA UDZ SPL: Train Route, Schedule and Timings

Train 2181 REWA UDZ SPL runs from (REWA) to (UDZ) on Train departs from (REWA) at and reaches (UDZ) at . It takes day to reach train 2181 from (REWA) to (UDZ) .

REWA UDZ SPL 2181 train passes through 0 major stations in day to reach from to . It takes total of hours journey to reach .

In 2181 train route maximum halt time for this train is -1 minutes at (). Train 2181 arrives at at and departs at . So if you want to get down from the train and buy anything from the station or for little fresh air. It's safe to get down at this station.

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    Saturday Sunday

  • REWA JBP SPL (1706)

    Train starts from Rewa (REWA) , Rewa to Jabalpur Junction (JBP) , Jabalpur. Total duration is 14 Hours and .

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    Moday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

  • REWA RKMP SPL (2186)

    Train starts from Rewa (REWA) , Rewa to Rani Kamlapati(Bhopal) (RKMP) , Rani Kamlapati(Bhopal). Total duration is 22 Hours and 20 Minutes.

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  • REWA RKMP SPL (2186)

    Train starts from Rewa (REWA) , Rewa to Rani Kamlapati(Bhopal) (RKMP) , Rani Kamlapati(Bhopal). Total duration is 22 Hours and 20 Minutes.

    This trains runs on:

  • REWA RKMP SPL (2186)

    Train starts from Rewa (REWA) , Rewa to Rani Kamlapati(Bhopal) (RKMP) , Rani Kamlapati(Bhopal). Total duration is 22 Hours and 20 Minutes.

    This trains runs on:

  • REWA CSMT SPL (2187)

    Train starts from Rewa (REWA) , Rewa to Mumbai Csmt (CSMT) , MUMBAI. Total duration is 20 Hours and 20 Minutes.

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  • REWA CSMT SPL (2187)

    Train starts from Rewa (REWA) , Rewa to Mumbai Csmt (CSMT) , MUMBAI. Total duration is 20 Hours and 20 Minutes.

    This trains runs on:

  • REWA CSMT SPL (2187)

    Train starts from Rewa (REWA) , Rewa to Mumbai Csmt (CSMT) , MUMBAI. Total duration is 20 Hours and 20 Minutes.

    This trains runs on:


From which station train 2181 REWA UDZ SPL starts from?

2181 REWA UDZ SPL starts from (REWA)

How many days in a week 2181 REWA UDZ SPL runs ?

2181 REWA UDZ SPL runs on

What is the maximum halt time of 2181 REWA UDZ SPL and at which station?

Maximum halt time of 2181 REWA UDZ SPL train is -1 minutes at ()

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